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Contact details
Physical address No 11 Yekta Street, Bahar Street, Shahid Fallahi Street, Valie Asr Avenue 1973633651 Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic of
- Tel +98 212 273 5962
- Email nzembassytehran@hotmail.co.nz
- Office hours 9am–12pm Sundays to Thursdays
- Head of Mission Ambassador Beth Madden
Postal address No 11 Yekta Street, Bahar Street Shahid Fallahi Street, Valie Asr Avenue 1973633651 Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic of
Travel advisories
New Zealanders considering travel to countries accredited to this Embassy should review the relevant travel advisory:
New Zealanders marrying Iranians should make themselves familiar with local laws. The Iranian government does not recognise dual citizenship and you should be aware marriage to an Iranian could affect your citizenship status, and the ability of the Embassy to provide you consular assistance. You should also make yourself aware of other laws (e.g. right of men to custody of children; restrictions for women on leaving Iran subject to their husband's permission) should you become an Iranian passport holder.
Notarial services
In certain circumstances, staff at this high commission are able to witness affidavits, affirmations, statutory declarations and other documents for use under New Zealand law. Call the consular staff for fee information and to make an appointment.
Career opportunities
Visit Careers at MFAT for opportunities in New Zealand and overseas.