Case study: Supporting Small Island Developing States

We helped design and fund two of the most comprehensive reports ever completed on how Small Island Developing States access development funding to deal with challenges like climate change.
An image of a woman in the pacific islands, walking through shallow sea water with a young child balanced on her hip and a bucket in her other hand. .

New Zealand's support

New Zealand has long advocated for greater recognition of the unique development challenges faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Fifty-two countries and territories are considered SIDS, scattered mainly across the Pacific, Caribbean and Indian Oceans. These countries vary in population, income, remoteness and natural resources, but share the common challenge of being at the forefront of the impact of climate change. This means that they are vulnerable to rises in sea level and are at risk of tropical cyclones. Raising the profile of the challenges SIDS experience benefits our Pacific neighbours.

Pacific SIDS benefited from increased multilateral financing this year as a result of sustained advocacy by New Zealand and other partners.

SIDS have unique development funding requirements. To increase understanding of the funding challenges and explore solutions, we helped design and fund two studies on SIDS. The studies were co-financed with Australia and published by the United Nations (UN) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

OECD report

The report produced by the OECD is the most comprehensive report ever undertaken of development funding in SIDS. It analyses 35 countries, providing a comparative analysis of all Official Development Assistance, bilateral and concessional funding over a period of five years and identifying how development partners can better support SIDS.

The UN report examines the particular development funding challenges for Pacific SIDS, drawing on input from 15 Pacific countries. It identifies key financing opportunities and innovations that SIDS and their partners can use to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Both reports have attracted considerable international interest for the way they strengthen research on development funding and offer new ideas on how to respond. This puts both SIDS and New Zealand in a stronger position to influence relevant international policy.


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