Public engagement on trade
For details of public events (including upcoming dates and registration) and information about public consultation on all our negotiations, see our Public Engagement on Trade page.
Previous consultation on the New Zealand-United Kingdom free trade agreement
From 23 November 2018 to 11 February 2019, we asked for New Zealanders' views on a future New Zealand-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement. Submissions have now closed.(external link)
We will also consult further on specific issues once negotiations are launched.
In initial consultations, we asked New Zealanders for their views on:
- What New Zealand should prioritise in a future FTA with the United Kingdom
- Any areas where the United Kingdom and New Zealand could cooperate more closely
- Trade barriers that New Zealanders may face, or are concerned about, in trading with the United Kingdom after Brexit
- Specific industries, businesses or products that New Zealanders think could have better access to the United Kingdom’s market
- Other outcomes that will make it easier for New Zealanders to do business in the United Kingdom, including access to the right type of visas
- Any concerns New Zealanders have with a possible free trade agreement.
Public submissions
Aviation New Zealand [PDF, 81 KB]
Beef and Lamb Meat Industry Association [PDF, 1.8 MB]
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand [PDF, 154 KB]
Corporate Taxpayers Group [PDF, 182 KB]
Dairy Companies Association of NZ [PDF, 588 KB]
Douglas Pharmaceuticals Ltd [PDF, 384 KB]
Federated Farmers NZ [PDF, 122 KB]
Horticulture New Zealand [PDF, 259 KB]
Medical Technology Association of NZ [PDF, 620 KB]
New Zealand Apples and Pears [PDF, 864 KB]
New Zealand Council of Trade Unions Te Kauae Kaimahi [PDF, 86 KB]
New Zealand Medical Association [PDF, 294 KB]
New Zealand Winegrowers [PDF, 199 KB]
NZ International Business Forum [PDF, 600 KB]
Patuharakeke o Te Parawhau, Takahiwai [PDF, 134 KB]
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service [PDF, 144 KB]
UK National Sheep Association [PDF, 633 KB]
Wellington Chamber Business Central [PDF, 228 KB]
Contact us
Anyone with an interest in the agreement is also welcome to submit feedback or questions at any time by email or post.
A dedicated MFAT email address has been established for public enquiries and feedback and is available for use at any stage during the negotiations.
Or if you would like to send hard copy mail, please write to:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Private Bag 18-901
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