Ngahiwi Tomoana
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Hawea, Ngāti Hori and Samoa

Ngahiwi Tomoana is of Ngāti Kahungunu (Ngāti Hawea, Ngāti Hori) and Samoan descent and has been involved in hapū and iwi development most of his life.
Ngahiwi was the longest serving Chair of any iwi serving the Board of Ngāti Kahungunu for 26 years. He was also the Chair of Pou Tāhua, an Iwi Chairs Group focused on International Trade and Economic Development within the wider National Iwi Chairs Forum. While no longer a Chairman of Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngahiwi is mandated by the National Iwi Chairs Forum to continue as the lead on behalf of Pou Tāhua for Trade & Economic Development and is the visionary behind Te Aratini, which is built on the knowledge and experience that culture counts in commerce community and conservation.
Ngahiwi holds several key strategic positions that include; Kaihautū of Te Aratini; Forum Member of the NZ Police Commissioner’s Māori Focus Forum; Chief Ombudsman Board; Taumata Whakapumau - Wai 262; Chair of Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu, Trustee member on the Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust and Co-Chair of the Māori Extreme Weather Science Response Panel.
Ngahiwi is passionately involved in the rights of Māori and other indigenous peoples to their estates and represents indigenous peoples’ views on the global stage.
More importantly, Ngahiwi is a loving husband to Mere Tomoana, a father of six tamariki, and grandfather to twenty-one grandchildren. With his whānau in mind, through all of these positions, responsibilities, and vast experiences, he demonstrates his local, regional, national, and international knowledge, passion, and commitment to all things Māori for the betterment of Māori katoa.