On this page
Contact details
Physical address
Edificio Isidora 3000
Isidora Goyenechea 3000
12th floor
- Tel +56(2)26163000
- Email embajada@nzembassy.cl
- Office hours Mon-Fri 10:00-13:00
- Head of Mission Daniela Rigoli, Ambassador
Postal address
Edificio Isidora 3000
Isidora Goyenechea 3000
12th floor
Other consular contacts
Travel advisories
New Zealanders considering travel to countries accredited to this embassy should review the relevant travel advisory:
Notarial services
In certain circumstances, staff at this embassy are able to witness affidavits, affirmations, statutory declarations and other documents for use under New Zealand law. Call the consular staff for fee information and to make an appointment.
The New Zealand Embassy in Santiago does not have a visa processing service nor is it able to offer any immigration advice. Any queries and/or applications for visas to travel to New Zealand are managed and processed via the Immigration New Zealand website(external link).
For Peruvian passport holders travelling to Australia, please visit www.immigration.govt.nz(external link) to apply for a travel permit (NZeTA) required for transit through New Zealand in route to Australia. The Honorary Consul is unable to assist with the processing of visas or travel permits.
General queries about New Zealand
- Studying, living, working or investing in New Zealand(external link)
- Working Holiday information for Chile(external link)
- Working Holiday information for Peru(external link)
- Education opportunities in New Zealand(external link)
- Recognition of overseas qualifications(external link)
- New Zealand biosecurity and customs rules(external link)
- Bringing your pet to New Zealand(external link)
- Driving in New Zealand(external link)
- New Zealand criminal records(external link)