Organisational sustainability

The Ministry works to ensure its operations are sustainable, and a sustainable future is a key MFAT goal.
An image of a building with solar panels on the roof.
Solar array at the High Commission in Honiara

The Ministry’s Decarbonisation Programme was established in August 2021, setting the course to becoming a more sustainable organisation.

The Ministry has a number of sustainability and decarbonisation initiatives under way. Some examples include:

  • Updating travel-related policies to reduce emissions while ensuring the Ministry delivers the Government’s priorities; 
  • Launching a custom-built Digital Diplomacy Suite to deliver high-quality video conferencing to enable diplomatic impact in virtual engagements and reduce air travel emissions;
  • Improving the energy efficiency of properties, for example, the installation of LED lighting and integrating efficiency measures into building projects; 
  • Replacing our existing vehicle fleet with low/no-emission vehicles as they come up for replacement and in countries where conditions allow; and
  • Integrating emissions-related criteria into business cases for major asset projects.

Our emissions

The table below provides an overview of the Ministry’s emissions.

Table 1: MFAT onshore and offshore emissions: 2018–19 to 2023–24 (tCO2e)




2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Air Travel 21,092 14,410 4,578 9,885 11,681 11,864
Electricity 7,254 8,037 7,777 8,161 7,325 5,993
Freight 2,306 2,158 2,113 2,897 2,581 2,063
Short-term accommodation 957 690 392 671 792 673
Natural gas 601 640 392 678 533 717
Vehicle fuels 584 480 298 383 588 471
Fuel oil 281 213 230 365 78 230
Diesel for generators 206 169 201 183 122 133
LPG* - - - - 28 18
Refrigerants 106 106 106 106 106 97
Waste/water 101 112 121 120 156 576
Taxis, rail, rental cars 90 67 37 39 81 58
TOTAL tCO2e 33,869** 27,082 16,461 23,416** 24,071 22,894
Change from baseline   -20% -51% -31% -29% -32%

*Data collection started in 2022/23.

** Totals updated in November 2023 to reflect improved data.

As we are a foreign service that represents Aotearoa New Zealand around the world, the Ministry’s profile is dominated by travel-related emissions, followed by emissions generated through electricity consumption at more than 360 domestic and international properties. Domestic emissions comprise 3–5 percent of the Ministry’s inventory; international emissions comprise the remaining 95–97 percent.

Our reduction target

The Ministry set the following emission reduction targets, which are in line with a global emissions pathway that limits warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius; a 21 percent reduction by 2025 from the 2018–19 baseline, and a 42 percent reduction by 2030 from the 2018–19 baseline.

Our emissions reduction plan

MFAT’s Emissions Reduction Plan [PDF, 1.1 MB] contains a range of activities to ensure we meet our emissions targets, and recognises the importance of advancing an organisational culture of kaitiakitanga and sustainability within the Ministry. The Ministry will seek to reduce emissions from all sources, although we recognise that the largest gains will be made through focusing on our two primary sources.

Related initiatives

The Ministry is also working with some suppliers and contractors of International Development Cooperation-funded activities to track emissions from these activities. More information is available on the Emissions tracking of IDC activities web pages. 


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