- A customised Marine Spatial Planning tool in Arc GIS to facilitate development and evaluation of Marine Protected Area scenarios in the CCAMLR Area - June 2012 [PDF 721 KB]
- A draft plan for research and monitoring in the Ross Sea region in association with spatial marine protection - June 2013 [PDF 353 KB]
- Analysis of the potential threats from fishing to the objectives of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area - May 2013 [PDF 859 KB]
- A proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area - October 2012 [PDF 443 KB]
- A proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area - May 2013 [PDF 502 KB]
- A proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area - September 2014 [PDF 287 KB]
- A proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area - September 2015 [PDF 1 MB]
- Chronology of previously submitted scientific documents and updated maps and analyses supporting MPA planning in the Ross Sea region - September 2014 [PDF 1.3 MB]
- Network characterisation of the food web of the Ross Sea Antarctica - June 2012 [PDF 732 KB]
- New research consistent with a proposed draft Research and Monitoring Plan for a Ross Sea region MPA - September 2014 [PDF 216 KB]
- Proposal for establishment of Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area CCAMLR XXXIV29 Rev1 [PDF 1.2 MB]
- Preliminary plan for research and monitoring in the Ross Sea region in association with spatial marine protection - June 2012 [PDF 351 KB]
- Reporting review and period of designation in the Ross Sea Region MPA proposal - October 2013 [PDF 162 KB]
- Research and Monitoring Plan Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (MPA) - Sept 2017 [PDF 3.1 MB]
- Review of the toothfish fishery in SSRU 881K from 199798 to 201112 and opportunities for fisheries research - June 2013 [PDF 1.2 MB]
- Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area Reporting Periodic Review and Period of Designation Elements - September 2015 [PDF 1.2 MB]
- Science supporting the joint New ZealandUnited States proposal for the establishment of a marine protected area in the Ross Sea region - May 2016 [PDF 1.6 MB]
- Sea ice characterisation of the proposed Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area Special Research Zone - October 2015 [PDF 1.2 MB]
- Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area Explanation of objectives supporting component areas - October 2013 [PDF 204 KB]