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Almost all New Zealand exports to the UK are now tariff-free, making New Zealand exports more competitive in the UK market. We want to make it easier for Kiwi exporters to take advantage of this and other benefits made available through the FTA.
We know that navigating the export process and making the most of an FTA can seem complex. To help make that process clearer, and to help exporters take advantage of these new market opportunities, we've created an end-to-end process map, covering the full exporting journey to the UK, using honey as an initial test case.
If you're a honey producer or exporter looking to export to the UK, click on the image below, which will direct you to an end-to-end process map to ensure you have everything required to get your honey across the border and into the hands of new UK customers.
This export process map has been developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand Customs, and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
And don’t hesitate to get in touch with questions or feedback – we’re here to help. You can reach us at exports@mfat.govt.nz.