Ministry Statements & Speeches:
Madam President
New Zealand highlights the importance of protecting the rights of the indigenous Sami people of Sweden, and makes the following recommendations:
- We recommend that the Government strengthen its efforts to reflect the distinct status of the Sami as indigenous people in legislation regarding land and resources.
- We recommend that Sweden take further steps to promote and strengthen the indigenous Sami languages, including by ensuring the Nordic resource centre to promote Sami languages [the Giellagáldu project] has adequate resources to fulfil its mandate.
New Zealand recommends that Sweden continue its efforts to combat gender-based violence, including by adopting the recommendation of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to improve efforts to [identify and] eliminate barriers preventing women from reporting violence.
New Zealand welcomes Sweden’s recent announcement that it will establish an independent National Human Rights Institution and recommends that this be established as a priority in accordance with the Paris Principles.
Thank you.