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Purpose of Partnering for Impact
Partnering for Impact is a strategic, targeted, efficient and effective approach to deliver development impact. Through this approach, we partner with NZNGOs and local civil society to use their experience, knowledge and reach.
This supports the delivery of locally-led solutions for over 1.8 million people experiencing vulnerabilities across our region.
This programme takes an intentional approach to partnership, investing $40 million per year to strengthen communities. Our NGO partners receive the majority of their funding from the New Zealand public, with over 700,000 New Zealanders providing funding in 2021 - showing strong support from the public for our collective work.
At least 60% of funding is targeted for the Pacific. Least Developed Countries in South East Asia (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Timor Leste) are a secondary focus.
Partnering for Impact is delivered through three mechanisms:
- Negotiated Partnerships;
- Manaaki; and
- Organisational Strengthening Mechanism.

Negotiated Partnerships
Negotiated Partnerships are fit-for-purpose co-investment arrangements with NGO partners through which we will seek to increase our shared development impact. They are multi-year, multi-country and multi-sector arrangements, which are agreed with those (generally larger) New Zealand NGOs with relevant expertise, established relationships, resources and the capability to manage an outcomes-focused programmatic approach to delivering development cooperation.
The Negotiated Partnerships programme responds to clear feedback from the sector that NGO partners want predictable, longer-term funding, which reduces uncertainty for them and their local partners and enables them to play to their strengths. We consider that it makes sense from a development perspective to take a more strategic approach to the disbursement of government funding if we are to maximise our impact.
The Manaaki Fund
Manaaki is a smaller and more streamlined contestable fund for New Zealand NGOs, which was launched in 2019. It complements the larger Negotiated Partnerships funding mechanism currently being rolled out. Manaaki focuses on ‘uplifting mana through listening to, supporting and empowering’ vulnerable, marginalised and hard to reach communities, by way of tailored co-investment arrangements.
The fund is guided by New Zealand’s International Cooperation for Effective Sustainable Development (ICESD) and contributes to the delivery of the universal Sustainable Development Goals, New Zealand’s focus on engagement with and in the Pacific, and other New Zealand Aid Programme priorities.
Organisational Strengthening Mechanism
The Organisational Strengthening Mechanism is a mechanism to support and coordinate self-reliance building of civil society partners in the Pacific and Timor Leste. Although postponed due to COVID-19, work will commence on this mechanism soon, and further information will be provided to the NGO sector at that time.
Te Rōpū o ngā Toroa
A reference group, Te Rōpū o Ngā Toroa ('Toroa') represents sector wide interests related to the Partnering For Impact mechanism. Toroa currently comprises of membership from CID, Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, Christian Blind Mission International (New Zealand), Oxfam, Pacifica Koloa Collective, and Save the Children New Zealand.