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Contact details
Physical address Level 11 125 The Terrace 6011 Wellington New Zealand
- Tel (04) 473 9577
- Fax (04) 471 2082
- Fax (04) 495 4119 (Political)
- Email wlgtn@international.gc.ca
- Office hours 8.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-4.30pm Mon-Fri
8.30am-12pm Mon-Fri (Consular) - Head of Mission HE Mr Keith Smith, High Commissioner (15 October 2024)
Postal address PO Box 8047 6143 Wellington New Zealand
Other consular contacts
Staff Details
HE Mr Keith Smith, High Commissioner (15 October 2024)
Mr Bradley Taylor
Mrs Keltie Patterson, Counsellor
Dr Dino Smiljic
Mr Charles William (Bill) Milner, Counsellor and Consul
Ms Manon Verreault
Lt Col Patrick Masterson, Defence Adviser
Ms Natasha Provencher, First Secretary
Mr John McGarry
Ms Angela Vesey, Attaché
Lt Col Mark Mahood, Assistant Defence Adviser [resident in Canberra]
Ms Melanie Cassey
Mr Aaron Naiman, Counsellor [resident in Canberra]
Ms Mei Wah Cheng, Counsellor [resident in Canberra]
Mr Glen Breckon, Counsellor [resident in Canberra]
Ms Jillian Senkiw, Counsellor [resident in Suva]
Mr Ryan Ord, First Secretary [resident in Canberra]
Mr Philippe Gascon, Attaché [resident in Canberra]
Mrs Tetiana Gascon
Mr Christopher Cowan, Attaché [resident in Canberra]
Ms Megan Rueckwald
Consulate and Trade Office, Auckland staff
Mr Mark Schroeter, Consul (Commercial)
Mr Blake Dillabough