RCEP text and resources

Read the RCEP text, National Interest Analysis, summary of key outcomes, factsheets, economic modelling, Cabinet Paper, Q&As, press releases, and other documents.


Read the legally verified RCEP text [PDF, 4.8 MB].

Chapter Content
  Table of Contents, Preamble [PDF, 289 KB]
1 Initial Provisions and General Definition [PDF, 21 KB]
2 Trade in Goods [PDF, 348 KB]
3 Rules of Origin [PDF, 471 KB]
4 Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation [PDF, 356 KB]
5 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures [PDF, 331 KB]
6 Standards, Technical Regulations, and Conformity Assessment Procedures [PDF, 320 KB]
7 Trade Remedies [PDF, 333 KB]
8 Trade in Services [PDF, 397 KB]
9 Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 295 KB]
10 Investment [PDF, 374 KB]
11 Intellectual Property [PDF, 871 KB]
12 Electronic Commerce [PDF, 339 KB]
13 Competition [PDF, 309 KB]
14 Small and Medium Enterprises [PDF, 279 KB]
15 Economic and Technical Cooperation [PDF, 188 KB]
16 Government Procurement [PDF, 283 KB]
17 General Provisions and Exceptions [PDF, 407 KB]
18 Institutional Provisions [PDF, 296 KB]
19 Dispute Settlement [PDF, 388 KB]
20 Final Provisions [PDF, 454 KB]
Annexes to the chapters
Annex 3A Product-Specific Rules [PDF, 2.8 MB]
Annex 3B Minimum Information Requirements [PDF, 279 KB]
Annex 4A Period of time to implement commitments [PDF, 445 KB]
Annex 7A Practices relating to anti-dumping and countervailing duty proceedings [PDF, 286 KB]
Annex 8A Financial Services [PDF, 327 KB]
Annex 8B Telecommunications Services [PDF, 353 KB]
Annex 8C Professional Services [PDF, 282 KB]
Annex 10A Customary International Law [PDF, 266 KB]
Annex 10B Expropriation [PDF, 279 KB]
Annex 11A Party-specific transition periods [PDF, 308 KB]
Annex 11B List of technical assistance requests [PDF, 198 KB]
Annex 13A Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate measures against anti-competitive activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Brunei Darussalam [PDF, 179 KB]
Annex 13B Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate measures against anti-competitive activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) Cambodia [PDF, 179 KB]
Annex 13C Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate measures against anti-competitive activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Lao PDR [PDF, 179 KB]
Annex 13D Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate measures against anti-competitive activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Myanmar [PDF, 179 KB]
Annex 16A Paper or electronic means utilised by Parties for the publication of transparency information [PDF, 306 KB]
Annex 18A

Functions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the RCEP Joint Committee [PDF, 315 KB]

Market Access Annexes
Annex I General Headnotes [PDF, 218 KB]
Brunei Darussalam Headnotes [PDF, 415 KB]
Brunei Darussalam Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Cambodia Headnotes [PDF, 377 KB]
Cambodia Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Indonesia Headnotes [PDF, 419 KB]
Indonesia Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Indonesia Appendix on Tariff Differentials [PDF, 578 KB]
Lao PDR Headnotes [PDF, 416 KB]
Lao PDR Schedule of Tariff Commitments [PDF, 4.4 MB]
Malaysia Headnotes [PDF, 421 KB]
Malaysia Schedule of Tariff Commitments [ZIP, 11 MB]
Myanmar Headnotes [PDF, 421 KB]
Myanmar Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Philippines Headnotes [PDF, 181 KB]
Philippines Schedule of Tariff Commitments [ZIP, 12 MB]
Philippines Appendix on Tariff Differentials [PDF, 469 KB]
Singapore Headnotes [PDF, 344 KB]
Thailand Headnotes [PDF, 279 KB]
Thailand Schedule of Tariff Commitments [PDF, 14 MB]
Thailand Appendix on Tariff Differentials [PDF, 583 KB]
Viet Nam Headnotes [PDF, 428 KB]
Viet Nam Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Viet Nam Appendix on Tariff Differentials [PDF, 393 KB]
Australia Headnotes [PDF, 416 KB]
Australia Schedule of Tariff Commitments [PDF, 14 MB]
China Headnotes [PDF, 420 KB]
China Schedule of Tariff Commitments [ZIP, 18 MB]
China Appendix on Tariff Differentials [PDF, 547 KB]
Japan Headnotes [PDF, 101 KB]
Japan Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Japan Appendix on Tariff Differentials [PDF, 525 KB]
Korea Headnotes [PDF, 271 KB]
Korea Schedule of Tariff Commitments
Korea Appendix on Tariff Differentials [PDF, 574 KB]
New Zealand Headnotes [PDF, 418 KB]
New Zealand Schedule of Tariff Commitments [PDF, 18 MB]
Annex II - Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services
Cambodia Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 1 MB]
Lao PDR Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 535 KB]
Myanmar Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 744 KB]
Philippines Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 1 MB]
Thailand Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Viet Nam Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 784 KB]
China Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 911 KB]
New Zealand Schedule of Specific Commitments for Services [PDF, 682 KB]
Annex III - Schedule of Reservations and Non-Conforming Measures for Services and Investment
Brunei Darussalam Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services and Investment [PDF, 1.5 MB]
Cambodia Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 591 KB]
Indonesia Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services [PDF, 795 KB]
Indonesia Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 1.6 MB]
Lao PDR Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 823 KB]
Malaysia Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services and Investment [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Myanmar Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Philippines Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 648 KB]
Singapore Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services and Investment [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Thailand Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 588 KB]
Viet Nam Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 565 KB]
Australia Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services and Investment [PDF, 948 KB]
China Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Investment [PDF, 682 KB]
Japan Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services and Investment [PDF, 959 KB]
Korea Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services and Investment [PDF, 1008 KB]
New Zealand Schedule of Reservations and Non - Conforming Measures for Services and Investment [PDF, 1 MB]
Annex IV – Schedules of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons
Brunei Darussalam Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 289 KB]
Cambodia Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 354 KB]
Indonesia Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 248 KB]
Lao PDR Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 895 KB]
Malaysia Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 574 KB]
Myanmar Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 276 KB]
Philippines Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 294 KB]
Singapore Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 464 KB]
Thailand Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 132 KB]
Viet Nam Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 275 KB]
Australia Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 227 KB]
China Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 227 KB]
Japan Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 65 KB]
Korea Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 225 KB]
New Zealand Schedule of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons [PDF, 225 KB]

Consultation on RCEP

We called for public submissions regarding New Zealand's intention to join the RCEP negotiations during February and March 2013. A total of fifteen submissions were received. A total of fifteen submissions were received (including a submission from New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters association which included brief comments from its members). This was not a substantial number of submissions and fewer than those received for other FTA negotiations. In this context, we note the comment from the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions’ submission “that [RCEP] appears to be less intrusive into domestic policy than [other on-going negotiations]”. You can read the submissions we received [PDF, 209 KB].

More recently, we consulted widely with stakeholders throughout the negotiations to provide the opportunity for New Zealanders to seek more information about the Agreement and to offer their views so that these could be taken into account throughout the negotiation process. This consultation included public engagement sessions in a number of regional centres around New Zealand, and regular briefings with interested stakeholders. You can find more on how consultation was undertaken in section 9 of the National Interest Analysis (link below). For details of public events (including upcoming dates and registration) and information about public consultation on all our negotiations, see our page on Public Engagement on Trade.

National Interest Analysis

A National Interest Analysis (NIA) is required every time the New Zealand government signs a new significant international treaty. The NIA assists Parliament to weigh up the costs and benefits of New Zealand signing up to RCEP.

Economic modelling

MFAT commissioned international trade modellers, ImpactEcon, to estimate the economic effects of RCEP on New Zealand. ImpactEcon estimates that once RCEP is fully implemented, NewZealand’s annual GDP will be between 0.3 percent and 0.6 percent larger than it would have been if RCEP had not been concluded, equal to between NZ$1.5 billion and NZ$3.2 billion. The upper bound of $3.2 billion assumes India re-joins RCEP. Should India remain outside of RCEP, the economic benefits will be towards the lower end of the range (around $2 billion).

These modelling results are shown in detail in ImpactEcon’s report.


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