UNGA73: fifth committee: review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations (Agenda item 135) - statement on behalf of Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Ministry Statements & Speeches:

  • Aid & Development

Thank you, Madam Chair.

I thank Ms Viotti, Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary General and Mr Ruiz Massieu, Chair of the ACABQ for their presentations.

I have the honour today to speak on behalf of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. There are three brief points I would like to make today:

Firstly, CANZ congratulates the Secretary-General on his leadership in pressing forward much needed UN reform. We continue to view the three reform pillars as mutually reinforcing.

We are pleased that the Fifth Committee was able to adopt the management reform and peace and security architecture reform resolutions in July, and look forward to the adoption of the repositioning of the UN Development System resolution this session as well.

Secondly, we acknowledge that it is not a simple task to change the culture of an organisation and that the reorganisation of the human resources department is only the start of a larger process. In this regard, we also look forward to constructive consideration of the proposals under the Human Resources Management item.

Finally, we trust that the Secretary-General’s most recent report will satisfy reservations held by some delegations. CANZ supports the Secretary-General’s vision and proposals for human resource management. We support increased decentralization and delegation of authority, backed up by strong corporate policy and accountability mechanisms.

We look forward to a decision by the Fifth Committee this Main Session on this agenda item and will again engage constructively with all delegations.

Thank you Madam Chair.


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