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Our investment priorities
We have 10 thematic priorities. These priorities emphasise democratic institutions and private-sector led growth that supports sustainable and inclusive development outcomes.
Specialist expertise, insights and engagement are integral to the impact and success of our development cooperation. The Ministry holds specialist development expertise across our ten thematic leadership areas (see Figure 1 below).

Specialising for stronger results
We intend to specialise in a smaller range of initiatives within our investment priorities but strengthen the value of our development cooperation by “doing what we do well”.
We will draw on development approaches that work well in one country when dealing with similar issues in others, and develop approaches that can be more quickly deployed. In pursuing more specialisation and replication, we will continue to tailor our development cooperation to the priorities and contexts of partner countries.
Policy priorities

New Zealand’s development effort involves leadership on policy issues alongside funding.
Our development cooperation efforts are more likely to succeed if partner countries have effective policies in place. Therefore, engaging with partner governments on policy issues is an important part of our development work. We're a champion internationally for development issues affecting small island developing states. Domestically, we advocate for development-friendly New Zealand policy. For more on this see our policy statement on International Cooperation for Effective Sustainable Development.