Contact details
Physical address
Carlos Pellegrini 1427 - 5th Floor
Buenos Aires
- Tel +54 (11) 5070 0700
- Tel Solo para emergencias de ciudadanos NZ: +64 9920 2020
- Fax +54(11)50700720
- Email
- Office hours Monday to Friday, 10am–12.30pm.
Postal address
Carlos Pellegrini 1427 - 5th Floor
Buenos Aires
Travel advisories
New Zealanders considering travel to countries accredited to this embassy should review the relevant travel advisory:
Notarial services
In certain circumstances, staff at this embassy are able to witness affidavits, affirmations, statutory declarations and other documents for use under New Zealand law. Call the consular staff for fee information and to make an appointment. All fees must be paid in cash. We do not accept payment by credit card.
Career opportunities
Visit Careers at MFAT for opportunities in New Zealand and overseas.