Joint United Nations statement on gender-based violence under COVID-19


New Zealand with six others led a joint statement signed by 146 UN member states calling for action to address the rise of gender based and domestic violence under COVID-19.

The following statement is current at 23 April 2020.

Answering the UN Secretary-General’s Call on Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19 - Statement by 146 UN Member States and Observers

We strongly support the appeal by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19.

As more countries report infection and lockdown, domestic violence helplines and shelters across the world are reporting rising calls for help. Victims and survivors have no means of escape when violence occurs in the place they are being told to take shelter: at home.

More than ever, there needs to be zero tolerance for domestic violence. We commit to making prevention and redress of gender-based violence a key part of our national and global responses, including ensuring that information is available and that services are safely accessible.

We pay tribute to social and health workers, civil society organisations, as well as UN Women and other UN agencies for their important efforts to tackle this crisis.

Women are not just victims. They play a major role in the response against COVID-19. Nearly 70 per cent of frontline health and social workers are women. Women also shoulder a disproportionate share of unpaid care work and they are critical actors in the sustainable development of all countries.

We must therefore ensure women are included in all response and recovery decisions. This is the only way to “build back better” for everyone.

1. Afghanistan 2. Albania 3. Andorra 4. Angola 5. Antigua and Barbuda 6. Argentina 7. Armenia 8. Australia 9. Austria 10. Azerbaijan 11. Bahamas 12. Bangladesh 13. Barbados 14. Belgium 15. Belize 16. Bhutan 17. Bolivia 18. Bosnia and Herzegovina 19. Botswana 20. Brazil 21. Bulgaria 22. Burkina Faso 23. Burundi 24. Canada 25. Cabo Verde 26. Chile 27. China 28. Colombia 29. Comoros 30. Costa Rica 31. Côte d’Ivoire 32. Croatia 33. Cuba 34. Cyprus 35. Czech Republic 36. Democratic Republic of the Congo 37. Denmark 38. Djibouti 39. Dominican Republic 40. Ecuador 41. El Salvador 42. Equatorial Guinea 43. Estonia 44. Ethiopia 45. Fiji 46. Finland 47. France 48. Gambia 49. Georgia 50. Germany 51. Ghana 52. Greece 53. Guatemala 54. Guinea 55. Guyana 56. Honduras 57. Hungary 58. Iceland 59. India 60. Indonesia 61. Ireland 62. Israel 63. Italy 64. Jamaica 65. Japan 66. Jordan 67. Kazakhstan 68. Kenya 69. Kiribati 70. Kyrgyzstan 71. Lao’s People Democratic Republic 72. Latvia 73. Lebanon 74. Liberia 75. Liechtenstein 76. Lithuania 77. Luxembourg 78. Madagascar 79. Malawi 80. Malaysia 81. Maldives 82. Mali 83. Malta 84. Marshall Islands 85. Mauritius 86. Mexico 87. Micronesia (Federated States of) 88. Monaco 89. Mongolia 90. Montenegro 91. Morocco 92. Myanmar 93. Namibia 94. North Macedonia 95. Nepal 96. Netherlands 97. New Zealand 98. Nicaragua 99. Niger 100. Nigeria 101. Norway 102. Palau 103. Panama 104. Papua New Guinea 105. Paraguay 106. Peru 107. Philippines 108. Poland 109. Portugal 110. Republic of Korea 111. Republic of Moldova 112. Romania 113. Rwanda 114. Samoa 115. San Marino 116. Serbia 117. Seychelles 118. Sierra Leone 119. Singapore 120. Slovakia 121. Slovenia 122. Solomon Islands 123. South Africa 124. Spain 125. Sri Lanka 126. Sudan 127. Suriname 128. Eswatini 129. Switzerland 130. Sweden 131. Thailand 132. Tonga 133. Trinidad and Tobago 134. Tunisia 135. Turkey 136. Tuvalu 137. Uganda 138. Ukraine 139. United Kingdom 140. United Republic of Tanzania 141. Uruguay 142. Vanuatu 143. Venezuela 144. Zambia 145. State of Palestine 146. European Union.


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