Learn about the regime's Transparency Approach, find reports, and understand how we look after exporters information.
Transparency Approach
Our goal
We strive to operate the Aotearoa New Zealand Export Controls regime in an open and transparent manner that promotes New Zealanders’ confidence.
This means being clear about what we aim to achieve (our Objectives), how we do this (the Implementation Plan), and what our guiding parameters are (the Principles).
Providing confidence that Aotearoa New Zealand is a responsible exporter of strategic and military end-use goods and that these are not being exported to support unacceptable end use;
Providing assurance to New Zealanders that the Ministry is making export permit decisions within its legislated mandate;
Enabling exporters and other interested parties to gain a clear understanding about the operation of the regime and its relevance to them;
Providing confidence to exporters that their personal, confidential and classified data and information will be appropriately protected;
Providing confidence that Aotearoa New Zealand is fulfilling its international and domestic obligations and commitments;
Providing assurance that the Ministry’s operation of the scheme is meeting the wider expectations of government relating to promoting trust and confidence in the public service; and
Encouraging and supporting international transparency efforts.
Key components:
Develop targeted guidance material to help exporters and brokers navigate the regime, particularly with regard to decision-making;
Develop and implement a programme of engagement with external stakeholders;
Publish statistical summaries of the regime’s activities;
Publish an annual report;
Publish other information about the operation of the regime, including the annual Arms Trade Treaty report;
Ensure the regime’s operations are included in a regular programme of internal audit;
Commission and publish periodic independent reviews of the regime;
Ensure that information management systems support collection of full records of export controls decisions and provide access to quality statistical and other information over time.
The Principles
Data and information about the operation of the regime is available to New Zealanders unless grounds for refusal or limitations exist.
Personal, confidential and classified data and information are protected.
The actions and policies taken by the Ministry in operating the regime are known, and can be judged.
Interested parties have reasonable certainty about how the regime operates and how it is likely to impact on them.
New Zealanders have the opportunity to contribute to public policy processes relating to the regime and to engage with the Ministry as the regime operator.
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