What were New Zealand’s objectives for CPTPP in 2023?

CPTPP Review

As Chair of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in 2023, New Zealand developed a Terms of Reference for the General Review of the Agreement, in partnership with the other 11 CPTPP Members. See the Joint Statement from the CPTPP Ministerial meeting [PDF, 459 KB] in San Francisco.

Article 27.2.1(b) of the CPTPP creates an obligation for Parties to carry out a review of the Agreement “within three years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement and at least every five years thereafter.”

In conducting a review, the Commission shall take into account:

  • the work of all committees, working groups and any other subsidiary bodies established under this Agreement;
  • relevant developments in international fora; and
  • as appropriate, input from non-governmental persons or groups of the Parties.

The review process is integral to ensuring the CPTPP remains the “gold standard” for trade agreements.

In the CPTPP - Joint Ministerial Statement on the Occasion of the Seventh Commission Meeting [PDF, 527 KB], Ministers and representatives acknowledged the need for the rules and disciplines in the Agreement to keep pace with the changing global landscape to ensure the CPTPP remains at the forefront of global trading arrangements for ambition and scope.

A New Zealand priority for the Review will be maximising utilisation of the CPTPP for importers and improving the uptake of the Agreement, particularly by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). New Zealand will also continue to focus on ensuring the review of the Agreement highlights practical trade facilitation measures to support businesses trading under the CPTPP.

Ensuring the Agreement delivers trade outcomes that support women, Indigenous economic empowerment and sustainable environmental practices is also vital and will inform New Zealand’s approach to the Review.


We developed a work programme based on four high-level objectives guiding our host year: 

  1. Advancing ratifications and accessions: Supporting the expansion of CPTPP by economies that are willing to demonstrate they can meet and adhere to its high standards is a key objective for New Zealand. Efficient, fair accession rules and processes will help make CPTPP more attractive for potential aspirants.
  2. Effective and improved implementation of CPTPP: The successful implementation of CPTPP is critical to realising its trade facilitation benefits ­­­– helping make trade (imports and exports) faster, cheaper, and more predictable, while ensuring its safety and security. We focused on two priority areas in our host year: supporting the CPTPP Three Year Review and enhancing digital trade facilitation including in Customs processes. This will help to ensure that the Agreement remains relevant and brings tangible benefits to CPTPP members.
  3. Promoting inclusive and sustainable trade:  New Zealand as host showcased indigenous trade and promoted inclusive and sustainable trade.
  4. Delivering a high-quality and authentic host year:  New Zealand’s hosting created opportunities to showcase our country and show manaakitanga to our guests.


Throughout our hosting year we looked to reflect the interests of all New Zealanders, and we worked closely with Treaty partners and domestic stakeholders to achieve this.

How can New Zealanders have their say?

Read more about how we consult on free trade agreements.


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