On 11 April 2023, Manatū Aorere CEO Chris Seed and Manatū Aorere DCE-Policy Ben King flew to Tauranga Moana to attend the MFAT Te Hurumanu hui hosted by Te Hurumanu member Charlie Rahiri.
To be hosted by Mangatawa-Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation on their ancestral lands was a privilege for Manatū Aorere
“As an agent of the Crown, we often ask Māori to cross the bridge and engage with us here in Wellington. It’s also our responsibility however to walk across the bridge, that is Te Tiriti o Waitangi, from the non-Māori world into the Māori world,” said Chris Seed.
Manatū Aorere were welcomed by leaders of Mangatawa-Pāpāmoa to spectacular views and red carpet manaakitanga. Their office oversees most of Tauranga Moana, and this proved to be an inspiring and interactive venue to foster rich discussions.
Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation(external link) is a Māori land organisation with an asset base of over $200 million. Listening to their story at the top of the meeting set the scene and bought perspective to discussions.
“To be hosted by Mangatawa-Pāpāmoa enables Manatū Aorere to broaden engagement with Māori groups so that it strengthens our understanding and awareness of whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori issues. It’s important for us to reach into the communities so that we are positioned to support their aspirations,” said Ben King.
This is the fourth meeting of the Te Tiriti partnership journey. The rhythm between both parties is promising and provides for engaging discussions to deliver improved outcomes and develop solutions together.
Key discussion items included feedback on the Terms of Reference drafted by Manatū Aorere, the Mātauranga Māori Programme update, the Strategic Assessment and review of the Strategic Framework, Property Assets, and the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship. Te Hurumanu provided an excellent analysis on key issues and provided a healthy challenge on how we uphold Tirohanga Māori in our mahi.
A key outcome from the hui was the endorsement of Ngahiwi Tomoana and Ben King as co-chairs.
The next hui will be hosted by Manatū Aorere in June 2023.