On this page
Agreement text and other reference materials
The DEPA was signed in an entirely online virtual signing ceremony by New Zealand, Chile and Singapore on Friday 12 June NZT.
Negotiations were conducted on the basis of a draft framework.
The Protocol to the DEPA (the Protocol) was signed on 15 July 2023 NZT. The Protocol reinforces the legal certainty and enforceability of key rules in the original DEPA for New Zealand digital exporters and DEPA accession candidates.
The Protocol will become binding on DEPA Parties under international law only after each Party’s completion of its internal legal procedures necessary for the Protocol’s entry into force.
Side letters
Press releases
Beehive press release - Digital trade agreement timely response to COVID-19(external link)
Public submissions
A public submission process was held between May and July 2019. Six submissions were received related to DEPA and one submission related to e-commerce and digital more broadly.