Evaluation reports 2002-04

To request a copy of a full report email aidevaluation@mfat.govt.nz with the reference number or title of the report.

Project Review of Phytosanitary Capacity Building Project for ASEAN under the Trade and Development Programme

Date | August 2004

Evaluators | Robert Sowman and Michael Watt New Zealand Aid Programme

New Zealand ODA to Papua New Guinea | Country Strategy Review

Ex-post Evaluation of Village Electrification Sri Lanka | Monitoring and Evaluation Field Mission Report

Mid term review of Gunung Rinjani National Park project, Indonesia

New Zealand ODA to Kiribati | Country Strategy Review

End of project review of the Niue Education Project

Centre for women and children ( Tonga ) | A report for NZAID

Review of the Samoa Justice Department Institutional Strengthening Project

Review of Commonwealth Advanced Seminar

Strategic Review | New Zealand Philippines Development Assistance Programme

Rethinking Pacific Education Initiative

Papua New Guinea Health sector review

Mid term review of Kiribati Education Sector Programme

Report on a review of NZAID's Medical Treatment Scheme to Pacific Island Countries

NZODA Tracer Study | Case studies of NZODA scholarships and award holders in the Pacific 1990-1990

Review of the Bougainville Leprosy and TB education and elimination programme

Review of the Fresh Produce Development Company Project in Papua New Guinea 


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