IDC activity reporting

Our IDC expenditure information is available in line with the International Aid Transparency Initiative standards, which aims to make worldwide aid spending easier to understand, compare and use.

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The New Zealand Government is committed to improving the transparency of New Zealand's International Development Cooperation (IDC). MFAT launched DevData(external link) in 2024. DevData is an easy-to-use website that makes information on our international development cooperation activities easily accessible. Through DevData, users can explore up-to-date, detailed information on IDC activities which is updated on a monthly basis.

International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)

The core data that sits behind DevData conforms to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard. This common standard sets guidelines for publishing and sharing information about development cooperation spending. This makes information about development cooperation easier to understand, compare, and use.

New Zealand is a member of the IATI, which was launched in 2008 at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra, Ghana. It is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together donor countries, developing country governments, non-government organisations, and experts in development cooperation information. It aims to increase the accessibility and availability of information about worldwide expenditure on development cooperation.

As part of the standard, New Zealand and all other donors’ IATI data:

  • includes information on the total aid being provided to each country, the costs and aims of individual activities, and projected aid expenditure
  • uses the same format and definitions.  

Latest New Zealand IATI data

The data below covers all activities since 1 July 2012, and includes planned and actual expenditure up until 30 June 2028.

The standard format for publishing IATI data is xml. From this format users can convert the data into tables, spreadsheets, web applications, printed documents and other visual representations. DevData, which is based primarily on our IATI data, enables users to find, filter, visualise, and download information on the activities they are interested in.

You can also access our latest data through d-portal(external link) and the IATI Datastore(external link). The datastore also allows users to apply their own filters and download SML, JSON, CSV and Excel files of the data. To filter on New Zealand activities, click on the advanced search, add Reporting Org Ref as the filter and "NZ-1" as the search term.

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Africa [XML, 4.2 MB]
Cook Islands [XML, 1.3 MB]
Fiji [XML, 2.9 MB]
Kiribati [XML, 5.3 MB]
Latin America & Caribbean [XML, 2.5 MB]
Multilateral Agencies [XML, 422 KB]
Nauru [XML, 543 KB]
Niue [XML, 1.2 MB]
North Pacific [XML, 724 KB]
Other Asia [XML, 1.9 MB]
Pacific Regional [XML, 4.6 MB]
Papua New Guinea [XML, 3.9 MB]
Samoa [XML, 3.2 MB]
Solomon Islands [XML, 5.5 MB]
Timor-Leste [XML, 2.1 MB]
Tokelau [XML, 859 KB]
Tonga [XML, 3.3 MB]
Tuvalu [XML, 2.2 MB]
Vanuatu [XML, 6.3 MB]
Multi-Country [XML, 7 MB]

Metadata for IATI Open Data Release

These files contain data relating to all New Zealand funded activities under the International Development Cooperation (IDC) programme as at 3rd February 2025 that:

  • were in the design, implementation, closing or closed stage.
  • had financial values greater than zero between the period 01 Jul 2012 and 30 June 2028.
  • did not meet MFAT’s exclusion criteria (these are activities with specific concerns relating to security/safety, privacy, sensitive/confidential information, or harm to operations).

The following decisions or exceptions have been applied to the data in this release:

  1. For activities with no implementation date, the first financial transaction date is used.
  2. 540 closed activities have a closed date which is the date the activity was migrated into the new aid management system. In these instances, the last financial transaction date has been provided as a more reliable proxy.
  3. Narration of financial transactions for actual expenditure has standard text of "expenditure incurred in financial year" whereas committed financial transactions state "expenditure committed in financial year". This is a temporary measure while privacy concerns are resolved.
  4. The Primary ID has been updated with the current Aid Management System ID. The previously released Primary ID has been moved to the "Other ID" field for reference.


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