Plenary Session One: Increasing access to sustainable electricity
Chief Executive of Pacific Cooperation Foundation, Mac Leauanae, introduces Dr. Mike Allen to facilitate the session.
Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Enele Sopoaga, talks about the need for genuine and durable partnerships based on local ownership, more efficient energy storage and to improve the affordability of renewable energy to increase the demand.
Deputy Prime Minister of Tonga, Siaosi Sovaleni, reiterates the role of the private sector in being critical to achieve their goal of 50% renewable electricity generation by 2020.
Minister of Resources and Development of the Republic of Marshall Islands, Alfred Alfred Jnr, discusses the challenges to implement their National Energy Policy due to geography and climate.
Premier of Niue, Toke Tufukia Talagi, states that investment in solar energy is the solution to achieving their renewable energy generation target of 80% by 2025 and that Niue’s challenge is energy storage.
The President of New Caledonia, Philippe Germain, states that his country will need to make huge investments towards cleaner and less costly energy over the next few years in order to reduce their dependency on fossil fuel imports.