Statements to the UNSC

Read New Zealand's statements delivered to the Security Council from 2015 to 2016.

On this page

2015 Statement Subject

15 January

UN Security Council Open Debate: Middle East(external link)


23 February

UN Security Council Open Debate: Maintenance of International Peace and Security

Security Council

24 February

UN Security Council: Brief: Briefing by the Chairperson-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe


26 February

New Zealand Statement on Syria (Humanitarian)(external link)


6 March

Briefing: Ukraine


16 March

The situation in Afghanistan


25 March

UN Security Council Open Debate: Children and Armed Conflict

Children/Armed conflict

30 March

UN Security Council: Debate: Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507)

Security Council

29 May

UN Security Council: Brief: Threats to International Peace and Security caused by Terrorist Acts


5 June

Ukraine briefing


16 June

UN Security Council: Brief: Briefings by Chairs of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council

Security Council

17 June

UN Security Council: Brief: United Nations Peacekeeping Operations


22 June

UN Security Council Debate: The Situation in Afghanistan


25 June

UN Security Council: Open Debate: Post-conflict Peacebuilding


29 June

UN Security Council: Prosecutor on International Criminal Court briefing on Darfur, Sudan


30 June

UN Security Council - June wrap-up session

Security Council

8 July

UN Security Council Briefing: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia & Herzegovina

20 August

Security Sector Reform (SSR) in the Security Council

Security Council

31 August

UN Security Council: August Wrap-Up Session

Security Council

17 September

UN Security Council Debate: The Situation in Afghanistan(external link)


22 October

UN Security Council Open Debate on the situation in the Middle East(external link)

Middle East

23 October

UN Security Council: Open Debate: The Situation in Somalia


27 October

UN Security Council: Brief: Threats to International Peace and Security caused by Terrorist Acts(external link)


5 November

UN Security Council: Open Debate: The Situation in Libya


10 November

UN Security Council Debate: The Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina(external link)

Bosnia & Herzegovina

13 November UN Security Council: Brief: United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Peacekeeping
16 November UN Security Council: Briefing: The Situation in the Middle East; Syria Humanitarian Middle East/Syria
17 November UN Security Council: Open Debate: Maintenance of International Peace and Security and Conflict Prevention Security Council
18 November Open Debate: Security, development and the root causes of conflict Security Council
19 November UN Security Council Briefing: UNMIK Kosovo
20 November UN Security Council: Debate: Threats to International Peace and Security caused by Terrorist Acts Counter-terrorism
20 November Briefing on the Secretary-General’s Report: The Future of United Nations Peace Operations Peacekeeping
30 November Debate: The Situation in Afghanistan Afghanistan
9 December UNSC debate on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia Rwanda/former Yugoslavia
10 December UN Security Council: Brief: DPRK North Korea
11 December UN Security Council: Open Debate: Ukraine(external link) Ukraine
15 December UN Security Council: Prosecutor of International Criminal Court briefing on Darfur, Sudan Sudan
15 December UN Security Council: Non-proliferation Briefing by the Chair of the 1737 Committee(external link) Non-proliferation
16 December UN Security Council: Trafficking in Persons in Situation of Conflict People-trafficking
17 December UN Security Council: Threats to International Peace and Security caused by Terrorist Acts(external link) Counter-terrorism
18 December United Nations Security Council Briefing on the Middle East - Syria Middle East/Syria
22 December UN Security Council Briefing: 1540 Committee Weapons of mass destruction
22 December United Nations Security Council Briefing: The situation in Yemen Yemen
2016  Statement  Subject

19 January

New Zealand Statement: Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Besieged Areas in Syria


25 January

UN Security Council: Explanation of Vote at the adoption of Resolution 2261 on Colombia


26 January

UNSC Middle East Open Debate

Middle East

11 February

UN Security Council: January Wrap-up Session

Security Council

11 February

UN Security Council Debate: Working Methods

Security Council

15 February

UN Security Council: Open debate: The situation in the Middle East (Syria)(external link)

Middle East/Syria

15 February

UN Security Council open debate: Respect for the principles and purpose of the Charter of the United Nations

Security Council

18 February

UN Security Council: Somalia/Eritrea 751/1907 Committee Briefing


26 February

UN Security Council: Debate: The Council's Working Methods

Security Council

26 February

UN Security Council: Syria Political(external link)


29 February

UN Security Council Briefing from Chair-in-Office of OSCE

Peace and Security/Europe

29 February

UN Security Council Briefing: UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo


2 March

UN Security Council - Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


10 March

United Nations peacekeeping operations - Sexual exploitation and abuse


11 March

UN Security Council adoption of resolution 2272 on sexual exploitation and abuse in UN peacekeeping operations


15 March

UN Security Council: The Situation in Afghanistan


17 March

UN Security Council debate: MINUSTAH


21 March

UN Security Council: Open Debate on Prevention and resolution of conflicts in the Great Lakes region


28 March

UN Security Council Open Debate: Role of women in prevention and resolution of conflicts in Africa


14 April

UN Security Council Open Debate: Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts(external link)


19 April

United Nations Security Council: The Situation in Somalia


25 April

UNSC Open Debate: Peace Consolidation in West Africa - Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea in the Gulf of Guinea


28 April

UN Security Council: The situation concerning Western Sahara

Africa/Western Sahara

28 April

UN Security Council Briefing: Ukraine


3 May

United Nations Security Council Briefing: Healthcare in Armed Conflict

Security Council

4 May

United Nations Security Council Briefings by Chairs of subsidiary bodies

Security Council

4 May

United Nations Security Council Briefing: The situation in the Middle East (Syria)

Middle East/Syria

5 May

UN Security Council Debate: The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia & Herzegovina

10 May

General Assembly: UN, Peace and Security

Peace and security

24 May

UN Security Council Open Debate on the United Nations-African Union peace and security cooperation: Chapter VIII application and the future of the African Peace and Security Architecture


26 May

UN Security Council Briefing: Peace and Security in Africa: challenges in the Sahel Region


8 June

United Nations Security Council debate: The work of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia and the Mechanism

Rwanda/former Yugoslavia

10 June United Nations Security Council open debate: Peacekeeping and protection of civilians Peacekeeping
21 June UN Security Council: Open briefing: United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) Afghanistan
29 June UN Security Council: Debate: The situation in the Middle East (UNDOF) Middle East
29 June UNSC: Explanation of Vote UN Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) mandate renewal Mali
12 June UN Security Council Open Debate: Middle East Middle East
13 July Comprehensive Review of Security Council Resolution 1540 Weapons of mass destruction
18 July UN Security Council: Briefing: Non-proliferation Non-proliferation
19 July Open Debate on Security Council Working Methods Security Council
25 July UN Security Council: Syria Humanitarian Syria
27 July UN Security Council: Lake Chad Africa/Lake Chad
28 July UN Security Council Open Debate: Post-conflict Peacebuilding in Africa(external link) Africa
29 July UN Security Council: Debate: The situation in Burundi Burundi
2 August UN Security Council Open Debate: Children and Armed Conflict

Children/Armed conflict

12 August UN Security Council: UNMISS Adoption | New Zealand Explanation of Vote Africa/South Sudan
22 August UN Security Council: Syria Meeting Syria
31 August UN Security Council: Debate: Conflict Prevention and the Council's Working Methods Security Council
2 September UN Security Council: “Wrap-up” session Security Council
13 September UN Security Council Statement after the Vote: Colombia adoption Colombia
14 September UN Security Council Quarterly Debate on Afghanistan Afghanistan
16 September UN Security Council: The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question(external link) Middle East/Palestine
21 September United Nations Security Council: The Situation in the Middle East - Syria Middle East/Syria
22 September UN Security Council Ministerial-Level Meeting on Aviation Security and Terrorism Aviation security/Counter-terrorism
23 September UN Security Council: Statement after the vote, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Weapons of mass destruction
25 September UN Security Council: Open Debate: The Situation in the Middle East (Syria)(external link) Middle East/Syria
27 September UN Security Council: The Situation in the Middle East Middle East
8 October Reply to comments by the Permanent Representative of Syria Syria
8 October UN Security Council: Syria Syria
8 October UN Security Council: Syria Syria
11 October UN Security Council:Debate: Haiti Haiti
19 October UN Security Council: Open Debate on the Situation in the Middle East Middle East
26 October UN Security Council: Open Debate: The Situation in the Middle East (Syria) Middle East
26 October UN Security Council Open Debate: Women Peace and Security Women/Peace & security
28 October UN Security Council Debate: Cooperation between UN and regional and sub-regional organisations in maintaining international peace and security: CSTO, SCO, CIS Security Council
31 October UN Security Council: Briefing on the Middle East - Yemen Middle East/Yemen
7 November UN Security Council: Open Debate: Maintenance of International Peace and Security Security Council
7 November UN Security Council: Open Debate On Peace Operations Facing Asymmetrical Threats Security Council
8 November UN Security Council: Debate on the Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina(external link)

Bosnia & Herzegovina 

10 November UN Security Council: Debate: United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Peacekeeping
16 November UN Security Council: Kosovo Briefing Kosovo
17 November UN Security Council: Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organisations in maintaining international peace and security (Organization of Islamic Cooperation)(external link) Peace & security
17 November UN Security Council: Briefing UNMISS (South Sudan) Sudan
18 November UN Security Council: Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations in maintaining international peace and security Peace & security
21 November UN Security Council: Open Debate: The Situation in the Middle East (Syria)(external link) Middle East/Syria
22 November UN Security Council: Open Debate on Water, Peace and Security Peace & security
23 November UN Security Council: Syria Humanitarian Briefing Syria
30 November UN Security Council: Debate: Non-proliferation / DPRK


30 November Explanation of Vote - Non Proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Non-proliferation/DPRK
30 November UN Security Council - The Situation in the Middle East - Syria Middle East/Syria
5 December UN Security Council: The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) Africa/DRoC
8 December UN Security Council: Open Debate: Former Yugoslavia Former Yugoslavia
9 December UN Security Council: Debate: The Situation in the DPRK DPRK
10 December UN Security Council Briefing: The Situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea DPRK
12 December UN Security Council: Open Debate: Threats to International Peace and Security caused by Terrorist Acts Counter-terrorism
12 December UN Security Council: Brief: TIPS, International Judicial Cooperation in countering terrorism Counter-terrorism
13 December UN Security Council: Open Debate: Sudan and South Sudan Africa/Sudan
13 December Briefing: The situation in the Middle East: Aleppo, Syria Middle East/Syria
16 December Explanation of vote:UN Security Council: Adoption of the resolution renewing the mandate of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Africa/Sudan
16 December UN Security Council Open Debate: Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Preventing catastrophe: A global agenda for stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by non-State actors Non-proliferation/Weapons of mass destruction
17 December UN Security Council: The Situation in the Middle East including the Palestinian question Middle East/Palestine
19 December UN Security Council Debate: UNAMA Afghanistan
19 December UN Security Council: Briefings by Chairs of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council Security Council
20 December Security Council
23 December UN Security Council: The Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question Middle East/Palestine
23 December UN Security Council: The Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question Middle East/Palestine
23 December UN Security Council: Liberia (UNMIL) Liberia
23 December UN Security Council: The situation in the Middle East (Syria Humanitarian) Middle East/Syria
23 December Action on the Resolution on Arms Embargo and targeted Sanctions on South Sudan Sudan
31 December UN Security Council: Syria - Explanation of vote on the adoption of Resolution 2336 Syria


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